
Those of us who love dogs have experienced being with a dog who wants something, but cannot express it in our terms. Sunny sometimes looks at me intently, but he doesn't need food, doesn't need to go outside. I don't know what he needs because he cannot tell me in a precise way. I have to guess or give up.
Tonight, Becky and I were relaxing, and Sunny was relaxing next to us. Then he got up and sat down in front of us with those imploring eyes, punctuating his presence with little squeaks of longing and sadness.
I said to Becky, "Sunny wants something, but he cannot tell us." Then I knew what Becky was thinking. She could not put it into words, but I said, "You feel the same, don't you?" She said "Yes" and then puffed a sad laugh. To which I replied, "I am sorry..."


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